Saturday, November 28, 2009

Gaming fun at the library

The Jurong regional library has introduced games on Xbox and Wii to encourage people especially youths to come to the library to check out what it has to offer, have fun and learning through the games. All the gaming sessions will be held on the soundproofed top level of the library, so that library users will not be disturbed. The Online Gaming Association believes that these sessions can be used to promote cyberwellness among youths as well.

The games are currently only available at Jurong regional library but the project could be extended to other library as well but the NLB said its plans have not been finalised.

I felt that this project will certainly encourage more youths to go to the library more often by using games that youths are interested in. By mingling with them while playing the games, the Online Gaming Association would then be able to know how many hours per day does youths spend on games and whether it will affect their studies.

For more information u can visit this site


  1. Hi Weiren!
    It's great to know that the Jurong regional library now has such fun games. I think it's good that the library is offering youths this opportunity to play these games for free over there, but I think their main objective is to draw the crowds and bring their attention to other educational initiatives in the library. I'm sure this initiative will be a big hit amongst youths!
    -Jovita Chua 0704536B

  2. Is it really good that the library is doing this? I feel that this takes away the true purpose of a library. I think people should go to the library to read and research instead of play games.. Just my two cents worth..
